My Canadian Days

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Believe it or not -- Snake Charmer in action


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hurry Hurry Hurry .. I have to start in couple of weeks

                                      Finally after a couple of setbacks and confusions my onsite trip is confirmed. I said about onsite oppurtnity to my parents and i could read their eyes asking me to avoid this. Dad said it directly that he is not happy about it. Mom asked if i could avoid it by any chance. Wat a situation is this... How i m going to console them.. They got from my face that i m intrested and wanted to go to onsite. They understood and started acting as if they were happy.

                                        Visa process started in my office... Next few day my days are full of getting bunch of approvals, medical test, Treats, Calls to all my relatives and friends. i really could not keep up with the speed my days running.. I could see my days at india with my parents eaten by time.
                                                            Then comes the shopping. I am totally clueless on what to buy and what to leave. With set of onsite calls :-) with my realtives abroad and people who were already been to onsite. i could somehow figure out the list. I really have to thank my uncle in dubai and Manivas and my other friends who gave me all the confidence i needed.

                                        And the last day arrives..All my realtives came to chennai to send off me. I was feeling very happy about this. They are my strength. Its really feels good to know that there are lot of people who cares about me. 

                                        Farewell/Bon voyage cake cutting, Packing, Talking with my childhood friends Karthik anna and Jegatheesh filled up my last day. I could call jegatheesh friend instead of cousin.. Because all cousins are not as close as him. We meet up very rarely once in a year or even longer gap. I always felt him as a close frnd and even thought it would be really good if we are born as brothers. 

                                     In the evening me and manivas were chatting for sometime.. i really felt bad when he left, i could not see him for one more year. He is my frnd from the day we met, its first day in our college. There are lot of difference and contradictions between us. But still we hang out together wherever we went. I feel happy and open hearted when i m talking with him. this is the frnd whom i can speak anything i think without applying any filter. and i like that.

                                   and its was just couple of hours for the flight and Cab arrived to take me away. This is toughest day in my life. Its tough when u re sad and its tougher when u have to hide the it and toughest when u have to pull it back into eyes and act that u re happy.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Caallll - Call it curse or blessing?

                                       It all begins when I was chatting with my onsite manager, when he said my senior manager will call me to inform something very important. My heart started beating so fast that I could hear it. I failed guessing what it was.. Was it my role change (promotion)???.. Oh no how stupid I am to expect it within 2.5 yrs.. Then is it onsite? Yeah there is some scope for it. But my H1B is not initiated in previous slot. So what could be the mysterious call about?
                                          When it approaches evening I was much tensed what it could be.. My heart races with my hand to see whenever my mobile rings but I did not get any call that day. Finally its next day and my onsite manager was online. I decided to put full stop to my suspense and decided to ask him what is all about and finally I asked him too.. But he still wanted to keep it going.. Said I will receive call today.. OMG I have to withstand this suspense for one more day.
                                      Finally the call came from my offshore manager asking me to bring all required documents to initiate my Canada "Long Term" visa.

                                   As in every software engineer's life (Sorry i m test engineer here) Onsite opportunity is long awaited and definitely the one to celebrate. But I m still confused whether I m happy or in grief. But why the word "grief" has a presence here?.. I was long awaited for it. It's one of my aspirations in my career.. But the word long term is creating turbulence in my heart..
                                         Am I going to be separated from my parents for a long time? Am I going to leave them alone at Chennai? They have come all along to Chennai from my native leaving all relatives just for sake of me.. Am I ready to lead life alone? And most important question do I really deserve this opportunity? Will I be able to satisfy the expectation? Will I be able to listen to client accent? Honestly I m the one who cannot watch an English movie without sub titles.

                 Is this called state of mixed feelings... I m experiencing it for the first time the situation which i couldnt call I m happy or sad..

Onsite????? --- Is it curse or blessing? whatever it is i m ready to take it up.. I m going to take it up..
